This is bdthemes shortcodes ultimate(joomla) Animation example. you can get facility in this shortcode item> Animation Type, Duration, Delay, Inline, Extra Class, Content.just simply use this shortcode and get many Animation type.
Note: you can use this shortcode article and custom module. for your help we give a example bellow >
[animate type="flipInX" delay="1.5"] [icon_list_item title="Crafted with Love" icon="icon: heart" color="#222" background="#ffff" icon_color="#c0392b" icon_size="28" icon_border="5px solid #ddd" icon_shadow="0px 0px 0px #444444" icon_radius="100" text_align="left" connector="no" description_gap="no"]Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Praesent sapien massa.[/icon_list_item] [/animate]