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Framed multi-purpose joomla template

Bienvenue sur le site internet de la structure à caractère social HORIZON-ACTION. 


Horizon Action


This is bdthemes shortcodes ultimate(joomla) Button example. you can get facility in this shortcode item> Button Style, URl, Target, Background Color, Color, Size, Fluid, Center, Radius, Icon, Icon Color, Shadow, Description, One Click, Extra Class and Content. just simply use this shortcode and get Button Style.
Note: you can use this shortcode article and custom module. for your help we give a example bellow >

Template Style Button

[button target="self" background="#1abc9c" color="#FFFFFF" size="4" wide="no" center="no" radius="3" icon="icon: cog" icon_color="#FFFFFF" text_shadow="none" class="template-style" ]Button text[/button]
[button style="3d" url="#" background="#7f8c8d" color="#FFFFFF" size="4" icon="icon: bolt" icon_color="#FFFFFF" class="template-style"]3D Button[/button]
[button url="#" style="stroked" background="#3498db" color="#FFFFFF" size="4" icon="icon: anchor" icon_color="#FFFFFF" class="template-style"]Stroked Button[/button]
[button url="#" style="noise" background="#9b59b6" color="#FFFFFF" size="4" icon="icon: bug" icon_color="#FFFFFF" class="template-style"]Noise Button[/button]
[button style="bubbles" background="#34495e" url="#" size="4" icon="icon: film" icon_color="#FFFFFF" class="template-style"]Bubbles Button[/button]
[button url="#" style="glass" background="#f39c12" color="#FFFFFF" size="4" icon="icon: desktop" icon_color="#FFFFFF" class="template-style"]Glass Button[/button]
[button url="#" style="soft" background="#2ecc71" size="4" class="template-style" icon="icon: eye" icon_color="#FFFFFF"]Soft Button[/button]
[button url="#" style="flat" background="#c0392b" size="4" icon="icon: key" icon_color="#FFFFFF" class="template-style"]Flat Button[/button]

Default Button

[button url="#" background="#f5f5f5" color="#333333"]Default Button[/button]

Flat Button

[button url="#" style="flat" background="#006DCC"]Flat Button[/button]

Soft Button

[button url="#" style="soft" background="#006DCC"]Soft Button[/button]

Glass Button

[button url="#" style="glass"]Glass Button[/button]

Bubbles Button

[button style="bubbles" url="#" background="#70a5e0"]Bubbles Button[/button]

Noise Button

[button url="#" style="noise"]Button text[/button]

Stroked Button
[button url="#" style="stroked"]Stroked Button[/button]

3D Button

[button style="3d" url="#"]3D Button[/button]
  • /index.php/projets-et-programmes/10-shortcodes/62-quote.html
  • /index.php/projets-et-programmes/10-shortcodes/60-column.html